Approval granted
Attaching Gondolas
A lot has happened, and our GrebenZEHN cable car is taking shape. The valley station and mountain station are completed, and the gondolas have been attached. Now, the specialists from LEITNER are working on programming, adjusting, etc., all the cable car-related matters so that around Christmas, the GrebenZEHN 10-person gondola can turn for the first time with ski guests. More details can be seen in the video below.
Our cable was spliced. What does that mean?
Kurzgesagt wurden die beiden Enden des Seils miteinander verbunden, damit ein durchgängiges Seil entsteht. Dafür musste das 70 Tonnen schwere Stahlseil an den zwei Enden aufgemacht und miteinander wieder „verdreht“ werden. Diesen Vorgang nennt man eben Spleißen. Durch die Reibung des Seils und das ineinander verketten der einzelnen, kleinen Enden entsteht eine bruchfeste, dauerhafte und nicht lösbare Verbindung. Danke an die Profis von Rope Service Teufelberger für die gute Arbeit, damit künftig unsere Gondeln „im Kreis fahren“ können.
Cable Pull
An important step took place at the beginning of November for the GrebenZEHN with the cable winch. The supporting rope, weighing 70 tons, was pulled into position using a guiding rope and a lot of mechanical force. Employees of Grebenzen and LEITNER AG, as well as their subsidiary and partner companies, were all busy. the rope over a track length of about 2.8 km. Tensioning and splicing at the end of the approximately 6 km long support cable was a feat of strength and an important step towards completion.
Currently, cable car technicians and electricians are working on the drive, various circuits, and control elements. Thus, there is nothing standing in the way of the approval process and the first operating days in December.
All Supports Installed
On October 6th, the time had come, the 17 supports along the new cable car GrebenZEHN wurden mittels Helikopter Aérospatiale AS 332, oder besser bekannt unter dem „Spitznamen“ Super Puma, an Ort und Stelle gebracht und von mehreren Spezialteams direkt montiert. Ein wichtiger Schritt ist damit erfolgt. Das Spektakel zog auch das Interesse vieler Schaulustiger auf sich. Für all jene die nicht dabei sein konnten, haben wir unten stehend einige Fotos sowie ein Video von der Stützenmontage vorbereitet.
Drive Installation
It is the end of September, and the installation of cable car technology is in full swing. The drive of our new cable car is located in the mountain station. The LEITNER DirectDrive has been delivered, and the installation has begun. The pictures clearly show that it is a direct drive, which brings many advantages.
More information about the LEITNER DirectDrive:
The basis for every safe cable car ride is a reliable and powerful drive concept.
Unique worldwide is the LEITNER DirectDrive, a drive system that was designed without gears and impresses with its nearly silent operation and unparalleled low maintenance requirements.
For more than 20 years, the gearless drive system DirectDrive, along with the frequency converter LeitDrive from LEITNER, has set standards worldwide. Customers appreciate, compared to other drives and direct drives, especially the low maintenance effort, the high reliability of the system, and the enormously high user and maintenance friendliness. In most cases, repairs can be carried out within a few hours without affecting ongoing operations. More than 250 cable car installations in over 25 countries are already equipped with this technology.
A station with DirectDrive offers the highest possible smoothness, minimal maintenance effort, and unbeatably low operating costs (no gearbox revision, no gearbox oil change). In addition, it reduces energy consumption during operation by up to 5% compared to a conventional drive.
Progress at the Valley Station
A lot is happening at the valley station as well. As you can see in the photos, the service buildings are almost finished. Even windows and doors are already installed. The formwork and concrete work of the gondola garage are progressing well. Our construction company Wagrain Bau has reached about halfway through the walls. On the mountain side, the wall has been backfilled. The first supports leading out of the valley station have also been pre-assembled and are waiting only for the support head and the roller battery.
Construction Diary in Video Format

Concrete Flight for Supports
Aktuell herrscht viel Betrieb in der Luft über der Grebenzen. Es wird Beton für die Stützenfundamente von einem Hubschrauber eingeflogen. Einige Stützen sind nicht „über Land“ erreichbar. Helikopter kommen beim Seilbahnbau öfters zum Einsatz. Das nächste Mal beim Stützen aufstellen….
Progress at Mountain and Valley Station
The construction work is progressing rapidly. The walls of service buildings are being concreted. Steel for reinforced concrete walls at the gondola hall is being prepared. At the track, concrete work is also being done for the support pedestals.
Especially at the mountain station, you can already see through individual parts that Leitner AG has already delivered that a cable car is being built here. Drives and rollers are already ready for assembly. The first work on the cable car technology will begin shortly.
Pipeline construction for snow reliability
Pipeline construction for snow reliability
In addition to the work on the cable car, our Grebenzen employees are diligently renewing pipelines for the snowmaking system. New lines are needed at the mountain station of the cable car. Also, for the snowmaking of the new ski slope – from the mountain station of the cable car to Starnberg 2 – we want to ensure.
Concrete, Excavators, and Iron
Excavation work, concrete, and iron preparations are continuing at all corners. Here are some insights from all areas. Individual support foundations are already finished, like that of support 16 not far from the Grebenzenhaus. At other locations for supports, the excavator is working.
Start of Excavation at Valley Station
With the beginning of August, excavation work at the valley station has started. The extensive area of the valley station and the gondola garage requires a larger space than at the mountain station. Several excavators and large dump trucks from the company Karl Pitzer from Schladming are in use.
For the construction of the support foundations and the valley station, the company Wagrein Bau is responsible. Absolute professionals in the construction of lift systems,
Working on the Route
The rough clearing work has already been completed, and the harvester has already left the Grebenzen. Excavation work for the supports can now begin.

Start of Construction
In the months of May and June, all approval processes went positively. Thanks to everyone involved.
On July 11, 2022, the official start of construction for our new cable car took place. First, our construction company for the mountain station, Porr, with its regional branch, began their work.
At the same time, work on the route commenced. Woodcutting with a harvester and heavy equipment began here to carve out the path through the forest.